Tuesday, March 30, 2010

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The biblical plagues were real events

Scientists say that the biblical plagues that devastated the Old Testament according to ancient Egypt were the result of a warming climate and volcanic eruptions.

Translation by Antikitera.net

Researchers believe they have found evidence of natural disasters which are based on the ten "plagues of Egypt, which according to the book of Exodus in the Bible, Moses led the Israelites to leave from slavery.

But rather than explain how the act of an angry vengeful god, scientists say that the wounds can be attributed to a number of natural phenomena initiated by changes in climate and environmental disaster that occurred hundreds of miles distanza.

Le prove che offrirebbero nuove spiegazioni per le piaghe bibliche saranno descritte in una nuova serie su National Geographic Channel in onda la domenica di Pasqua.

Oggi molti archeologi ritengono che le piaghe si siano verificate in un'antica città di Pi-Ramses sul delta di Nilo, capitale dell'Egitto durante il regno del faraone Ramses II, che ha regnato fra il 1279 e il 1213 a.C.

La città pare essere stata abbandonata circa 3000 anni fa e i ricercatori pensano che le piaghe possano offrire una spiegazione.

Climatologi che studiano il clima dell'epoca hanno scoperto un improvviso spostamento nel clima dell'area avvenuto verso la fine del regno di Ramses II.

Studiando le stalagmiti some caves in Egypt, have rebuilt the ancient climate of the area using the traces of radioactive elements contained in rocks.

They found that the reign of Ramses coincided with a warm and humid climate, but then the climate shifted to a dry period.

Professor. Augusto Magini, paleoclimatology at the Institute for Environmental Physics, University of Heidelberg, said:

"Pharaoh Ramses II ruled in a very favorable climatic conditions.
There were heavy rains and the country flourished. This time, however, wet lasted only a few decades. After the reign of Ramses the weather deteriorated rapidly.
there was a dry period which certainly must have led to serious consequences. "

Scientists believe that this change in the climate gave rise to the first of the ten plagues.

The rise in temperature may have caused a drying up of the Nile, turning the banks that were flourishing rope Egypt security whole in a slow, muddy river.

These conditions could be perfect for the arrival of the first wound, which is described in the Bible as the transformation of the Nile into blood.

Dr. . Plugmacher Stephan, a biologist at the Leibniz Institute for the ecology of the waters and the fishing industry in Berlin, believes that this description may be the result [proliferation] toxic to freshwater algae. It is known that oscillatory

rubescens, known as the blood of the Burgundians alga, was present 3000 years ago and still cause similar effects.

Dr. Plugmacher says: "You multiply massively in warm water lens with high levels of nutrients. And when he dies, it colors the water red."

Scientists believe that the arrival of this alga set in motion events that allowed the emergence of the second, third and fourth plague: invasion of frogs, lice, flies.

The development of frogs from tadpoles to adults with fully formed is regulated by hormones that can accelerate the speed at times of stress. The arrival of

toxic algae would initiate such a transformation by pushing the frogs to leave the water in which they lived.

But the death of frogs caused the uncontrolled proliferation of flies, flies and other insects, no longer subject to regulative force due to their natural predators.

All this would have led to the next two plagues: the cattle plague and ulcers in animals and humans.

Professor. Kloas Werner, a biologist at the Leibniz Institute, said: "We know that insects often carry diseases like malaria, so the next step in the chain reaction is the outbreak of epidemics among the population."

Another great natural disaster, which occurred at 650 km away, may have been responsible for the seventh, eighth and ninth plague, which brought hail, locusts and darkness on Egypt.

A major volcanic eruptions occurred in human history occurred when Thera, a volcano that was part of the island of Santorini in the Mediterranean Sea, north of Crete, exploded about 3500 years ago by throwing billions of tons of volcanic ash .

Nadine von Blohm, the German Institute for Atmospheric Physics, has conducted experiments on how the form of hail storms and believes that the volcanic ash could collide with thunderstorms over Egypt to produce large hail.

Dr. Trevisanato Siro, a Canadian biologist who wrote a book concerning the biblical plagues, says that the invasion of locusts can be explained by the fallout of volcanic ash on the ground.

He said: "The fallout of ash caused weather anomalies that were translated into an increase in rainfall and humidity. And this is exactly what favors the presence of locusts."

Volcanic ash may also have blocked sunlight, causing the history of the plague of darkness.

Scientists have discovered a pumice-stone formed by volcanic lava cooled, during excavations at the ruins of Egypt, although there are no volcanoes in Egypt.

The analysis of the rocks show that the drift pumice from the volcano of Santorini, providing physical evidence that the fallout from the ashes of the eruption of Santorini in fact reached the Egyptian coast.

E 'was proposed as the cause of the last plague, the death of the firstborn of Egypt-a fungus that would contaminated stocks of wheat, whose first crop would benefit the first-born males, which is why they were the first to fall victim.

But dr. Robert Miller, associate professor of Old Testament at the Catholic University of America, said: "I am reluctant to take on all natural events to cause the wounds. The problem with the explanation of natural kind is that you lose the core of question, that has not fled from Egypt to natural causes, he fled from Egypt to the intervention of God "



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