Saturday, October 9, 2010

Aluminum Boat Subfloor Material

8 ottobre: Ikebukuro, Shinjuku, Akihabara, Suidobashi

(52 photos today, now that There is a professional photographer with me I can calm down a bit ...)

( Pictures David Cassanelli ) This morning we went to Ikebukuro, David wanted to see Amlux Toyota showroom, we took the opportunity to go to the skyscraper "Sunshine 60" to try again one of the fastest elevators in the world according to Wikipedia ...

Today, the 60th floor observatory was open, the entrance is a little expensive ...

... but the view is unmatched!

Each view has its own explanatory panel ...

There were some windows where you could stand on it, see below ...

Here's one ...

( Foto di Davide Cassanello ) Chissà come dev'essere provare un terremoto a quest'altezza!!

Sotto il grattacielo c'era una scuola guida alla Giapponese, con le strade finte...

( Foto di Davide Cassanello ) Abbiamo effettuato la discesa con l'ascensore speciale, quello che diventa così come vedete nella foto e ha il contachilometri, che alla massima velocità marked 600 meters per minute at 10 meters per second, with the ears popping for the increase in atmospheric pressure ...

all'Amlux Here ...

David also tried the simulator safe driving ...

And the location of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue ...

We made a trip to Ikebukuro, the Bic-back of this room was shaped like a giant mobile phone ...

Then in Shinjuku to explore all the elegant surroundings between exit east and north ...

Ci sono tanti negozi di lusso...

( Foto di Davide Cassanello ) Poi puntatina ad Akihabara perchè Davide voleva vedere alcune cose allo Yodobashi Akiba...

( Foto di Davide Cassanello ) Ma prima l'ho convinto a salire da Super Potato...

( Foto di Davide Cassanello ) paradise back home-gaming, Super Mario that welcomes you at the first of three floors dedicated to this store crowds ...

( Pictures David Cassanelli ) Tons of Games "antique" for sale, I mean mega-drive cartridge, Super Famicom, Game Boy, NES, then a few goodies like the Virtual Boy playable, playable NES Duck Hunt-gun CRT screen and ...

( Pictures David Cassanelli ) Video Games Nintendo portable of the first series, the story of the game, and it was all sold at prices stracciatissimi!

( Pictures David Cassanelli ) The third floor was devoted to coin-op Bar, Snake, which was guarded by a few players X-Box that dared to approach in the vicinity ...

( Pictures David Cassanelli ) Pile of Super Famicom reconditioned for sale. After visiting other stores incredbili like "Top Gun", found inside a building for the event, which sold beautiful airplane models made of metal, we went for dinner Suidobashi ...

Here is a dramatic play area with an incredible roller coaster that has a nearly vertical initial descent and goes into a hole in a building, so shocking that my indecisiveness has made the climb it closed! ! We need to return to power!


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