“A mutilated woman mirrors a mutilated world. A wounded woman is a wounded family, and a wounded nation. It is time to end this heinous practice”.
Joy Keshi Walker, Coordinator W.I.C.S.A.
(Women Issues Communication Services Agency)
The AIDOS - Italian Association for Women in Development ( http://www.aidos.it/ ) is an association that deals with the rights women, mainly in developing countries.
AIDOS collaborates with partner organizations in different countries for the joint construction of projects with specific needs of women and to develop shared strategies as these needs are met.
But the resolution of specific problem of a given community, necessarily limited, is not sufficient: you must have a positive influence on government policies to help improve the living conditions of all women and people of the country concerned.
Therefore, all projects AIDOS also provide an important awareness-raising activities and information.
Our journey began in 1981 with the founding of' Italian Association for Women in Development (AIDOS) , an association of women and at the same time, non-governmental organization cooperation , recognized in 1992 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an institution eligible a gestire fondi pubblici per la realizzazione di progetti di cooperazione allo sviluppo.
Fin dalla sua fondazione, AIDOS ha lavorato - nei paesi in via di sviluppo, in Italia e nelle sedi internazionali - per costruire, promuovere e tutelare i diritti, la dignità, il benessere e il progresso di tutte le donne.
Di progetto in progetto e di campagna in campagna, AIDOS lavora in partenariato con organizzazioni e istituzioni locali, per fornire strumenti alle donne e alle loro organizzazioni, soprattutto nei settori in cui l'esperienza del movimento femminile in Italia ha dato
i frutti più significativi.
L'approccio di AIDOS nasce quindi dal dialogo ininterrotto e paritario con le organizzazioni femminili e non governative di tutto the world and roots in the Italian feminist movement.
important is the collaboration with the United Nations system: AIDOS has special consultative status at the ' ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, Economic and Social Council of the United Nations) , and is the focal point in Italy of INSTRAW (United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women, International Institute for Research and Training for Women United Nations) and 's UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund, Fund for Population Activities of the United Nations).
L ' "approach AIDOS" means first of all strengthen the skills and technical capabilities, managerial and organizational requirements of local partner organizations and individuals in all
Not so expensive field offices: all resources are used for the support of the local project partners, in terms of training, technical assistance and observation missions and evaluation of results, based on needs identified during the construction and implementation of activities .
AIDOS This approach can ensure the sustainability of activities, and therefore their continued even after the termination of funding and the so-called "formal closure of the project.
For technical assistance and monitoring, makes use of expert consultants AIDOS s class: gynecologists, obstetricians, psychologists / i, economists, s communication and advocacy, highly motivated and bring their great capacity serving the most marginalized women.
both the experience and motivation are then taken into account when the choice of the expert / o.
AIDOS also recognizes the central importance of consulting and management training and monitoring financial, administrative AIDOS treated directly by the team.
pages from Aidosnews, quarterly magazine
of the Italian Association for Women in Development ,
of the Italian Association for Women in Development ,
Special issue for the 25 years of AIDOS, n.04 October / December 2006
AIDOS chose to work for and women's rights to do so having regard to the thought and practice developed in Italy by the women's movement. The areas where
AIDOS has specific expertise, also applied for a rigorous analysis of contexts, often different from each other, are:
rights and sexual and reproductive health
Starting with an Italian family counseling and adopting a holistic approach to reproductive health, integrated AIDOS:
• Create centers for the sexual and reproductive health;
• helps to improve facilities family planning centers for maternal and child health;
• supports programs in Africa and Europe, for the elimination of gender violence and the abandonment of the practice of female genital mutilation.
Capacity building is not just training, but overall development of the capacities of women's organizations to address the problems and challenges to positively change their own condition and that of other women, and continue to do so even after the end of a "project" in the strict sense. For this AIDOS:
• collaborated on the creation of documentation centers, information and print on women's rights; •
care training on gender issues in various areas.
Economic Empowerment
The economic autonomy is essential to the survival of women and their families, but also the freedom and awareness of the choices. For this AIDOS contributes to the creation of: •
service centers for the birth and / or development of entrepreneurship female
• centers for job creation.
This term, which has no counterpart in Italian, will show all the information campaigns and pressure that civil society institutions engaged in promoting the adoption of policy measures, laws and / or Adequate resources to achieve a certain goal.
advocacy for the affirmation of human rights of women, adolescents and children, are a crucial component of the work of AIDOS international, regional and national levels. AIDOS is part of European and international networks of women involved in the negotiations in ambito Nazioni Unite, Commissioni regionali, Unione Europea.
In Italia, AIDOS lavora per la creazione di una consapevolezza delle relazioni di genere e dei bisogni specifici delle donne nell’ambito della cooperazione allo sviluppo, mediante campagne tematiche, conferenze ed eventi nei quali il coinvolgimento dei media accompagna e sostiene gli interventi diretti ai politici.
Istruzione ed educazione delle ragazze e delle bambine
Borse di studio per l'effettivo esercizio del diritto allo studio nelle situazioni in cui questo è di fatto negato o reso difficile da discriminazioni di vario tipo.
END FGM is the European campaign sponsored by Amnesty International Ireland , in collaboration with other NGOs, the European Union, including AIDOS , 6 February 2010 and launched on the occasion of International Day for the ' abandonment of female genital mutilation (FGM).
website aidos.it
website endfgm.eu
campaign is intended to include issues related to FGM, the main issues to be addressed on the agenda of the European Union, giving voice to women who are victims of this practice or who are at risk. According to UNFPA, United Nations Fund for Population, each year three million children and adolescents in the world in danger of being subjected to this practice.
FGM have been widely documented in Africa, Asia and the Middle East and are currently been found in Europe, where they live, according to the European Parliament, 500,000 women have undergone FGM.
Often, girls living in EU countries are conducted to their places of origin, such as during summer vacation, to be mutilated.
The FGM is a violation of basic human rights such as:
- the right to physical and mental
- the right to achieve the highest standards of health
- the right to freedom from all forms of Discrimination Against Women ( including violence against women)
- the right to freedom from torture or cruel inhuman and degrading
children's rights - and in extreme cases the right to life. Through actions
advocacy at the EU institutions, the campaign aims to ensure the adoption of a shared strategy to stop FGM, to provide the migrants of African origin who have undergone FGM adequate care, protect women who flee their countries for fear of being mutilated and promote an international mobilization that recognizes the need to join forces to end the practice.
5 are the key points proposed by the strategy:
- gathering data on the prevalence of FGM in Europe
- to provide appropriate care and to tailor services to the health needs of women who have undergone FGM in Europe
- to improve the security mechanisms against violence against women and children
- identifying clear guidelines for providing asylum to women threatened by FGM
- dare priorità all’abbandono delle MGF negli interventi di cooperazione allo sviluppo con i paesi terzi dove la pratica è prevalente.
A sostegno della strategia, la campagna sta mobilitando
i parlamentari europei, in vista della creazione di un gruppo parlamentare informale sulle MGF.
Source: http://www.aidos.it/
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