"Women are the guardians of life. Women, silenced.
Women broken, trampled and deleted because the guardians of life. "
The first concept proposes a jewel / jewelry collection that changes depending on input received from a website.
The website in question is that of ' AIDOS - Italian Association for Women in Development ( http://www.aidos.it/ ), an association that deals with the rights of women, mainly in developing countries.
The idea is to have a jewel, changing, "warn its owner" of news about the theme for which it was created: the female genital mutilation (FGM) .
Jewel may be an elastic material such as silicone or a soft material, and change its shape in different ways, depending on whether "good or bad news" may swell or shrivel (withdrawal, not deflate), could light up with different patterns of flashing or colored with warm or cold, may change the surface texture with more or less aggressive or be crossed by streams of colored light.
Assuming the project site has a database, public and searchable , with extensive documentation about the problem
and constantly updated news about the "achievements" of the Association:
- testimonials and / or new cases in women / girls / girls saved from mutilation in developing countries and in immigrant communities in Europe;
- creation of new centers for the sexual and reproductive health,
and education of women and girls respect;
- improvement of family planning centers and centers for maternal and child health
- planning and / or implement new programs in Africa and Europe, for the elimination of gender violence and the abandonment of practice of female genital mutilation;
- new partnerships for the establishment of documentation centers, information (with thematic campaigns, conferences, events, etc.).
and printing rights women;
- new projects in design, architecture, graphic design, art, fashion, etc.. concerning the plight of FGM;
- new training courses on gender issues in different policy areas for local and non
- birth and / or development of micro-local economies, such as the creation of circuits
entrepreneurship female
- birth and / or development of centers for job creation;
- approval of policy measures, laws and / or allocation of adequate resources;
- new negotiations successfully concluded;
- birth and / or development centers education and education for boys and girls, including scholarships for the effective exercise of the right to education;
- any initiative aimed at the problem.
The site contains also the "defeat", the targets are not met, the funds have not yet been found, the initiatives that have not had good results / outcomes, the villages where operators have failed, in short, all areas where you have
still engage and work for you to create, or take root at all, an awareness of gender relations, the specific needs of women
and conditions of violence to which they are subject.
From the moment the jewel "signals" a "news", revealing
an event or a new connection, the "owner" can refer
il sito, ed essere sempre aggiornato, intervenendo con commenti o proposte, arricchendolo di immagini, dando un po di sè stesso; potrà altresì pubblicizzare il sito creando, in tal modo, una rete di condivisione di informazioni, aggiungendo un’importante tassello
ad una, più che mai necessaria, opera di sensibilizzazione di massa.
Altro importante elemento di comunicazione è il gioiello stesso che, grazie al suo carattere altamente innovativo (per forma e tecnologia), stimolerà interesse e curiosità nell’”altro”, generando un inevitabile passaparola che, come è noto, è la miglior forma
di comunicazione.
Le forme di comunicazione non verbale sono, in molti casi, più efficienti poichè più dirette: coinvolgono, infatti, le nostre emozioni più viscerali che, se opportunamente stimolate, sopraffanno qualsiasi altro senso.
Si tratta comunque di un’“arma a doppio taglio” poichè questa forma di comunicazione sensoriale necessita di essere contestualizzata per essere compresa. Qui entra inevitabilmente in gioco il proprietario dell’oggetto che, interagendo con gli altri, è portatore di conoscenza, e fautore di una rete di condivisione attorno al problema.
Il gioiello/i richiede, infatti, la partecipazione diretta dell’utilizzatore: un “oggetto-embrione” che scommette sulla sua capacità di sopravvivenza nel momento stesso del suo iniziale incontro con il portatore, e su quest’ultimo basa il suo cammino.
Questo concept riguarda una tipologia di gioiello intesa come “oggetto-evento/manifesto” , un prodotto la cui nascita, linfa vitale e senso stesso di esistenza sono consequenziali all’evolversi
degli eventi: determinati e determinanti.
storyboard concept
mappa diagramma di flusso system
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