This blog is my diary thesis, the story of a project, the "place-incubator" in which this project after taking life, will begin its development.
Theme of the project is the lacerating scourge of Genital Mutilation (FGM ) , a cultural practice inhumane and degrading to women and girls.
ultimate goal is to create a network of sharing around the problem: to create awareness about ignored as an explicit violation of human rights, in total contradiction with the universally recognized principles of respect for the physical and moral person and equal in dignity and rights of both sexes, which is also unacceptable violence against women ; groped to add a new element to a more necessary than ever, raising awareness of mass.
Sebbene ci sembri una pratica lontana anni luce dalla nostra realtà, è dimostrato come sia presente anche in Italia (secondo Souad Sbai - deputata e presidente delle donne marocchine in Italia - in Italia sono 600 le bimbe immigrate a rischio mutilazione genitale, nonostante il fenomeno sia in calo poiché l'integrazione porta all'abolizione della pratica), e come sia altresì difficile proteggere le donne da questo "supplizio culturale".
Sebbene nei paesi in cui questa usanza è più radicata, il dibattito pubblico sia aperto e molto forte, e numerose donne si mobilitino quotidianamente per combattere questa piaga, è estremamente difficult to give support to women who want to abandon it does not control their daughters, since there is social acceptance, and these women end up being expelled from their communities.
Although many women try to escape this reality by emigrating to the West, or they are forced, no European country has recognized female genital mutilation as grounds for political asylum: useless then migrate in search of human rights.
All this makes this issue an emergency in effect , which can not be ignored because "the violation of diritti delle donne non può essere giustificata in nome del relativismo culturale" (commissario Ue, Benita Ferrero-Waldner).
Occorre quindi muoversi con una serie di azioni che non abbiano solo carattere proibitivo-punitivo, ma anche di informazione, per sdradicare tradizioni patriarcali, violente e oppressive alla radice.
Occorre dire basta ad ogni forma di discriminazione e violenza posta in essere contro la donna "in quanto donna", e rendere libera ogni donna di scegliere di essere sè stessa, e non quello che l'uomo o la società vorrebbero che fosse.
Occorre communicate to give voice to those who do not have.
And 'this, then I want to address the issue, and how I chose the half jewel erroneously defined as "what is the best product or semi-precious materials, it was decided to use with the best workforce possible, and having an artistic content. "
This inevitably leads to the trivialization of a vast world that tells of ancient civilizations, he speaks of man, of his feelings, recalling places, faces, and passions.
The Jewels of us speak from the past and future, with the magic, wonder, joy, show our life force, our love beyond their value and their ability to decorate.
thus deviating from the canonical definition of jewelry, if they expand the features. As with the works of art, is an element rich in meaning, whose non-verbal communication intensifies the message, since it requires the interpretation of it.
may thus have a strong symbolic function, which brings with it to have a real personal relationship / emotional.
becomes the writings of the many complex internal and external to it, situating the intersection of aesthetics and function-funzione-linguaggio/messaggio.
These are my "input": I hope you will help me make this blog the fertile soil.
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