[...] In any form is exercised, the violence is always the exercise of a power that tends to deny the woman's personality: brutalizing his body or his soul is said to rule over it, making it the object of power is deprived of its subjectivity.
Feminicide so it is a social fact: the woman is killed as a woman, or because it is the woman that the man or the company would like it to be.
Violence domestique , videos, http://www.justice.gouv.fr/
Sure as hell, made video group Gravida @ mind
for November 25 International Day against Violence on Women
[...] If you look at the femicide as a social fact, it becomes easier to understand how the scope of its spread is "glocal" in the sense that even as a global phenomenon, it manifests itself with particular characteristics (local) different depending on the social structure of reference.
If in fact our society does not recognize violence against women unless it is expressed in more extreme forms, as well as in these cases tends to "normalize" than to connote such as gender violence, there are companies in which some forms of violence against women are accepted as normal, as it is socially - and in some cases even institutionally, more or less explicitly - shared the patriarchal ideology, which wants the woman subordinate to man.
Two Worldz , BR1, Italy
Muslim World, Islamic Barbie's 50th anniversary makeover
[...] E’ noto che le società di matrice patriarcale e quelle divise in classi generano meccanismi ideologici per perpetrare e giustificare le relazioni di disuguaglianza, discriminazione, ingiustizia e tutti i tipi di violazioni dei diritti di quelle parti sociali che stanno in una posizione subordinata e marginale.
Tali meccanismi vengono fatti propri e riprodotti non solo dalle classi che ne beneficiano, ma anche dalle classi che ne sono vittime, che si rassegnano al loro status e si sentono alienate.
Nel caso delle donne, la sovrastruttura ideologica del sistema di matrice patriarcale o classista, si è servita delle Istituzioni sociali (religione, diritto, sistema educativo, media) per fondare e assicurare la subordinazione delle donne nelle relazioni di potere familiari, economiche, sociali in generale, ma in particolar modo per controllare lo svolgimento della sua funzione procreativa, considerata come un’obbligazione naturale.
Gli attori sociali quindi hanno una concezione della donna come soggetto violabile, ovvero come oggetto di dominio.
Ciò limita la donna nell’esprimersi, nel decidere, nell’agire: la sua condotta è determinata da decisioni others that, in fact or in law, impose their will on it, even through violence. [...]
the woman is not considered, and therefore protected by the State as a woman, as a bearer of inalienable rights absolute, but is rather seen in the name of the social importance, or that is assigned by the company to its nature: that of "mother" or "wife."
Guerrilla Girls, http://www.guerrillagirls.com/
Feminism is for Lovers , http://feminismisforlovers.tumblr.com/
Femminicidio , http://www.femminicidio.blogspot.com/
Stop Violence Against Women (Amnesty International) , http://www.mdesign.se/sites/amnesty/
emergency would be quite an awareness campaign, which "mobilize public opinion by organizing conferences or collaboration and dissemination of information, so that the company is aware of the problem and its devastating effects on victims and the community at large, and we can discuss with the involvement of victims (4) .
(1) The not knowing has a function for the dominant as the dominated, namely the maintenance of order of things. [...] It 's just that the denial of the oppressed is stronger than oppression. (Mathieu, 1991, pp. 10 and 218 in P. Romito, A deafening silence. The hidden violence against women and children, p. 175, FrancoAngeli, 2005).
(2) P. Romito, A deafening silence. Hidden violence against women and children, FrancoAngeli, 2005.
(3) Council of Europe, Recommendation 5 / 2002 of the Committee of Minister to member states on the Protection of Women Against Violence, III.
(4) Council of Europe, Recommendation 5 / 2002 of the Committee of Minister to member states on the Protection of Women Against Violence, 7.
Source: Amnesty International, WHO (World Health Organization)
Source: VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: Speaking of femicide, published by Democratic Lawyers on http://www.giuristidemocratici.it/
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