Monday, November 15, 2010

Quitting Smoking And Urination

October 18: Shinjuku, Fuji-Yoshida (Yamanashi), Shinjuku-

continue the travel diaries of nicolaingiappone 2010 trip ... although this is also a travelogue post a "bonus" for more detailed content ...

(Today 45 photos ...)

( Photo by David Cassanelli ) E 'morning, we are in front of Yodobashi Camera in Shinjuku, I have a sleep hallucinating and hallucinating a stomach ache, and it is not because I ate bad yesterday ...

... but why today faces the devil himself. The roller coaster, my ancestral fear since I was small, but today I have made up his mind to win it, this fear, addressing them in a more direct way: by going to the amusement park Fuji-Q Highland, Fuji-Yoshida, in the prefecture of Yamanashi. Let's just from the small bus station in Shinjuku this bus designer with the appearance of the devil, the terrifying roller-coaster "Eejanaika", my heart beats a thousand and stomach cramps are hallucinating ...

Once there, the first vision is this monster, is "only " one of the tallest and fastest roller coaster at world, Fujiyama ...

But Let's go to hell: P

The free-pass requires a card with your photo, then down into the cabin to take some passport photos horrible ...

( Photo by David Cassanelli ) What they are almost so, do not see much, do not you see anybody but you take the piss (in the photo is written " oh, what a nice )

We decided to warm up with this "little" roller coaster, yes and no higher than a three-storey building, is called "Mad Mouse" ...

( Video by Kengkards ) Here's a video explaining ...

We decide to immediately tackle the monster, the Eejanaika: the entrance is not the most reassuring ...

But the row is enough long to shut down every good intention and will raise the voltage to the stars ...

Almost two hours in a row, unbelievable ...

( Photo by David Cassanelli ) And the landscape around us is not the most reassuring, trains loaded with give way over our heads ...

This sign informs us that this roller coaster called "fourth-dimension" is entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the roller coaster with the highest number of reversals in the world, exactly 14 times upside down along the course of 1153 meters. I'll add that is the roller coaster of this type the highest and fastest and longest in the world : maximum height 76 meters, max speed 126 km / hour, the first drop has a maximum gradient of 90 degrees, a trip takes about one minute from the end of the climb and has a capacity of 1000 passengers per hour ...

( Photo by David Cassanelli ) It 's a real spaceship, as you tie up a fighter plane and if they make you remove your shoes as well ...

Here I am in agony: I was in the front row and have not had the courage to open eyes throughout the first part of praying that the nightmare would end as soon as possible ...

David instead screaming like a madman ...

( Video by Devin Crawford ) is not a video shot by me but by a rash that I do not know how managed to hold a device to resume. I do not know how he did it because prior to departure you check very carefully ...

We finished the race and I found myself screaming, screaming with joy for two main reasons:

1) I was still alive and in one piece.
2) E 'was one of the most intense and unique experiences of my life, and I feel really proud of myself for having the courage to do so. First demon defeated!

Look at the size of individuals with regard to the immensity of the track, things really amazing!

( Photo by David Cassanelli ) But it was over we waited for the prince of the classic type of roller coaster: the Fujiyama ...

In 1997 he was entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest roller coaster in the world, with its 79 meters (26 floors of a building) . Now I think it is still among the top ten highest ...

( Video by challengemania7yas ) Here's an on-board video in HD of course. Crazy things ...

( Video by dapherneer ) And here's what happens to a guy who tries to do Karaoke on board ...

And here I am (gray jacket) to the first drop of only 70 meters with a speed of 130km/h...divertentissimo dell'Eejanaika and less scary, but a lot bigger (the path is longer than 2 km).

And then came the turn of the missile, the Dodonpa. Almost 3 hours of endless row.

A bit of data: Maximum speed 172 km / h, length 1189 meters, 60 seconds duration, maximum acceleration (at the base of the tower) 4.25 G, the highest point 52 m , maximum angle of 90 degree drop. It 's the third fastest roller coaster in the world and holds the record for roller coaster with the world's most intense acceleration from 0 to 172 km / h in 1.8 seconds . The acceleration is allucinante, davvero indescrivibile, paragonabile all'accelerazione subita da un aereo da caccia lanciato da una portaerei (il sistema รจ molto simile, il roller coaster utilizza una catapulta ad aria compressa, la portaerei una catapulta a vapore)...

( Video by purplefinale , uno dei maggiori otaku di roller coaster in Giappone, nel suo canale ci sono TUTTI i roller coaster del Giappone ripresi onboard ) Ecco un video che comunque non rende l'accelerazione, ma dimostra la geometria del tracciato.

Now, seasoned by roller coaster riders could afford a smile ...

And the busy day ended with a file my furtive solitary Bliz (I had to keep a promise) to stand in their World Evangelion closing time ...

Viewing EVA-size immersed in Bakelite is priceless ...

There was among the many attractions including an entry-plug of an EVA ...

This picture cost me 1000 yen, but if I can ever make me take pictures inside the entry plug of an EVA?

The rest is history. We could not see the attraction of the horrors of the hospital, inspired by Resident Evil and Silent Hill, two blockbuster videogame. Back in Tokyo sleeping like a log, a greeting to friends of David in front of photographers east exit of Shinjuku station and then straight home to eat a good Japanese curry.


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