There, inside the Grand Canyon, an enigmatic system of tunnels that is evidence of a trip to America of the ancient Egyptians? It's all fake? Or the truth is something between?
On 5 April 1909, a story on the front page nell'Arizona Gazette spoke of an archaeological expedition in the heart of the Grand Canyon, funded by the Smithsonian Institution, which had led to the discovery of Egyptian artifacts. On 5 April is a day that is close to 1 April - but not enough ... maybe the story could be true?
Since then, it has not heard more about this discovery. Today, more than five million tourists visit each year, the Grand Canyon. If there was something hidden in the canyon, it was discovered some time. However, most of tourists is only about three hours in the throat, usually to visit the legendary South Rim, a distance of about 89 miles, along which you will find most of the major tourist attractions. In addition, some have argued that the whole discovery was the subject of a large hedge, apparently in an attempt to maintain the old status quo argued by historians, namely that the ancient Egyptians have never ventured outside of the waters of River Nile.
The original story says that the group had found a network of underground tunnels, high above the Colorado River, which contains ancient relics, statues and even mummies. A great discovery, no doubt about it. Can not succeed to escape the eye of the archaeological radar. However, the Smithsonian Institution says it has no documentation about it. What happened? To find out, there is only a guide: the article itself. Although the article was anonymous, allowed to identify some of the archaeologists involved, "under the direction of Prof. SA Jordan," with the adventurer GE Kinkaid supported by the Smithsonian, which reports its findings.
But the story gets confused when the Smithsonian says about not finding Kinkaid and Jordan in their archives. To a request made in 2000, the institution said: "The Smithsonian Institution has received many questions about an article in the April 5 1909 della Phoenix Gazette su G.E. Kincaid e la sua scoperta di una ‘grande cittadella sotterranea’ nel Grand Canyon, scavata da un’antica razza di origine orientale, forse proveniente dall’Egitto.’ [...]Il Dipartimento di Antropologia della Smithsonian ha cercato nei propri archivi, senza trovare alcuna menzione di un Professore Jordan, di Kincaid, o di una civiltà egizia perduta in Arizona. Tuttavia, la storia continua ad essere ripetuta in libri e articoli.
Vi è la possibilità d’un muro di silenzio, ovviamente, come alcuni hanno sostenuto. Le registrazioni non devono necessariamente trovarsi in quell’archivio oppure il riferimento alla Phoenix Gazette invece che all’Arizona Gazette potrebbe essere un semplice errore, o una valvola di fuga che è spesso presente nelle risposte ufficiali di diplomazia per districarsi dalle domande difficili. Storie come “la Divisione X della CIA non ha alcun archivio” spesso significa che è la Divisione Y ad averlo.
Non sembra che esistesse nessun Professor Jordan, e lo stesso Kinkaid risulta molto difficile da trovare. Tuttavia, il 12 marzo dello stesso anno, la Gazzette ha riferito su una precedente fase dell’avventura di Kincaid: “G.E. Kincaid raggiunge Yuma”. Qui, Kinkaid è individuato come proveniente da “Lewiston, Idaho”, ed “è arrivato a Yuma, dopo un viaggio da Green River, Wyoming, lungo l’intero Colorado River. He is the second man to make this trip and came alone, in a small boat, stopping at will to explore the surrounding countryside. He left Green River in October with a small rowing boat, carrying a camera, with which it has taken more than 700 photos of the river and the canyon, which were impassable. Mr. Kincaid said that one of the most interesting aspects of the trip was the passage through the rapids, the dam of Laguna. He made this perilous passage with the only damage for loss of an oar "The story seems fairly clear and free of dark spots.
The article concludes: "Some interesting archaeological discoveries sono state portate alla luce e tutto il viaggio è stato di tale interesse che egli lo ripeterà il prossimo inverno in compagnia d’amici”.
Meno d’un mese dopo, lo stesso giornale sembrava continuare la storia al punto in cui l’aveva lasciata: ora era Kinkaid a parlare delle sue “interessanti scoperte archeologiche”, consistenti in una serie di gallerie e passaggi, con una camera a croce vicino all’ingresso, contenente una statua.
“L’idolo somiglia a Buddha, anche se gli scienziati non sono certi sul culto religioso, al quale possa riferirsi. Prendendo in considerazione tutto ciò che finora ho trovato, è possibile che questo culto somigli da vicino a quello dell’antico people of Tibet. " He also claimed to have found an unknown metal gray, similar to platinum, as well as small sculpted heads, scattered on the floor. The Urns is puzzled by the "mysterious hieroglyphs, which the Smithsonian Institute hopes yet to discover the key." In another room he found mummies: "Some of the mummies are covered with mud, and all are wrapped in a wrap cortex.
Again, the story is clear enough. Idols that "resemble" a Buddha, or rather "are" the Buddha. The worship of "likeness" to those of Tibet, not "is" ... trying to use Kinkaid analogies to explain his discovery. It is the anonymous author of the article to establish the connection with Egypt, and his mind is inclined to one of the greatest discoveries of all time. However, the newspaper apparently never followed up the story.
Although the involvement of the Smithsonian Institution makes you think of the possibility of a blackout (as some have claimed), this does not show that the whole story is a fake, or that is true, or that the newspaper may have made the history. "Kinkaid" may have been present, and may have inflated their credentials. In extreme alternative could be even everything happened as it is said, or it may be a fake, but made by whom?
The paper was quite explicit in this regard. It may have been a scam of his own publisher, in an attempt to sell more newspapers, but in that case we would expect to read more about discovery, including ads as "follow in the next edition, to solicit the public's appetite.
The anonymous article could have made history himself, perhaps because they had nothing to fill the entire paper. Maybe ... which leaves Kinkaid. In his first novel, we read that he claimed to have made archaeological discoveries, but it seems that all these occurred on their own. Inoltre, egli avrebbe scattato numerose fotografie. Dobbiamo sottolineare che la scoperta della rete di gallerie sotterranee si è verificata prima che il primo racconto fosse scritto. In realtà, sembra che la scoperta fosse stata fatta circa quattro o sei mesi prima dell’articolo. Ma dal secondo racconto apprendiamo che Kinkaid apparentemente non viaggiava da solo, ma era aiutato da un professore della Smithsonian. Inoltre, sembra non aver fatto foto della sua scoperta. Sebbene egli sostenga che l’accesso era stato molto difficile, ci si aspetterebbe che Kinkaid avesse portato alcune fotografie della zona.
Nell’articolo sulla Phoenix (Arizona) Gazette del 5 aprile 1909 si afferma che Kinkaid “ha riferito la storia” della "Underground town" the city "(and the Phoenix Gazette)" Yesterday "(April 4, 1909), after having" discovered "the site" several months ago. " It is clear that the newspaper is reporting on the latest information. But why Kinkaid did not include his discovery in his original story, in March, is more enigmatic. Although the newspaper in May he wanted to wait to reveal it, the delay is entirely caused by Kinkaid.
In the absence of traces of Kinkaid, however, as it can be said that he really existed? Jack Andrews pointed out that Kinkaid may have been a real person. In his account of the newspaper, is said to Kinkaid was "looking for minerals."
"I was traveling down the Colorado River in a boat, alone, in search of minerals."
The Canyon is a popular source of minerals, including copper. But in 1908, the year of shipment of Kinkaid, President Theodore Roosevelt had included the Canyon in a National Forest, with the closing of any mining or exploration activities. Andrews has also shown that the area in which he would have found the cave was a well-known field of exploration. So it could be true ... but maybe the newspaper has his name wrong ... A misspelling could send any researcher outside the right track, portando alla conclusione che una persona non sia esistita.
Che dire poi, a proposito della grotta? È un dato di fatto che il Canyon presenta molte buche e grotte, la maggior parte delle quali sono state scoperte da escursionisti. Chiaramente favorita per una connessione con l’Egitto è l’area attorno a Ninety-four Mile Creek e Trinity Creek, che ha siti con nomi come il Tempio di Iside, la Torre di Set, la Torre di Ra, il Tempio di Horus, il Tempio di Osiride, ecc. Nella zona di Haunted Canyon ci sono nomi come la Piramide di Cheope, il Chiostro di Buddha, il Tempio di Buddha, Shiva e il empio di Manu e il Tempio di Shiva.
In un libro intitolato “L’antico segreto del Fiore della Vita” (vol. II, pag 302), it is argued that two hikers along the way to the Temple of Isis, they found a pyramid, made of native rock. Once at the Temple of Isis, claimed to have seen a number of entrances of caves. They claimed that the entrances to the caves were at a height of 800 feet, and climbed up, hoping to enter the cave in what appeared most promising. Instead they found it blocked by rocks. In their view, the entry had been made by man and there was a round hole of 6 feet, carved into the ceiling.
is not known whether the case of an actual discovery, od'un story is not relevant for the record. The Temple of Isis is more than 40 miles dal luogo citato dal nostro articolo di giornale. Inoltre, esso è solo una delle numerose cavità nel Grand Canyon chiamate con termini come ‘egizio, greco, indù, cinesi’ e con nomi di divinità dei paesi nordici. L’origine dei nomi piuttosto esoterica è misteriosa, quasi come lo stesso Canyon, e ha dato luogo a più d’una speculazione su ciò che i primi esploratori potessero avervi trovato. Ma può anche essere una perfetta memoria del tempo in cui vi si trovavano cose egiziane ed indiane, che dovevano emanare un grande fascino.
Jack Andrews sostiene di aver conosciuto “la posizione di questa grotta [quella di Kinkaid] sin dal 1972. Ho mantenuto il segreto da allora”.
Nel June 2001, thought it was "a good time to disclose the location." But then he adds that he never found the "Physical position" of this discovery. From his description, it appears as if he had "seen" the site into a dream or a vision, but he had never set foot inside.
However, it can be groped to use the limited information on the site of Kinkaid, "forty miles up the river from El Tovar Crystal Canyon ..." This is not very precise. Andrews believes that the cave is in a deep river gorge, known as Marble Canyon, which is accessible "arriving by boat or float a boat or on foot from the edge of Little Colorado River gorge, on the Navajo reservation. " Andrews sets out some other possibilities, which all seem credible enough, to get somewhere ... but not necessarily inside the cave. Kinkaid wrote that "the entrance is 1486 feet below the wall of the Grand Canyon." Definitely not a suitable access for the faint of heart, and there arises the question of how the Kinkaid had succeeded in the business.
Andrews concluded: "I think the" cave "described in the story of the head of the Arizona Gazette, April 5, 1909, with its fantastic location underground, he was, and it can still be found, beyond a stretch six miles of the Colorado River in Marble Canyon, on the border between Marble Canyon and the Navajo Nation, over an area near the Kwagunt Rapids. "You may yet be discovered? A ranger said that 'the area of \u200b\u200bthe park is very remote and far [2000] our knowledge of the area is quite thin, and frankly, there is an area that regularly patrol the area [...], is rarely visited '. "
Skeptics have voiced much criticism at Andrews, while others believed the story without hesitation. One thing is to interpret the denial of the Smithsonian as evidence of a cover-up, but the interpretation that David Icke has done is something else. In "The Biggest Secret", he writes, quote: "In 1909, an underground city, built with the precision of the Great Pyramid, was found by GE Kincaid near the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It was big enough to accommodate 50,000 people and mummified bodies found there were of oriental or Egyptian origin, according to the leader of the expedition, Professor SA Jordan. One of my own research suggests that it comes to us from another dimension, the lower fourth dimension, where the control and handling of reptiles is primarily the capacity. "
The story continues to grow and grow, now the caves are home to a large population. Icke then adds his "research", using the story as "proof" for his theory of control of reptiles.
This leads us where? Perhaps the answer is somewhere in the middle of the dispute. Among the many caves, some even have to contain something. Kinkaid has never said that it was something of an Egyptian - has only sketched a comparison. You could simply say that this was something done by the natives ...
The first culture to occupy the valley was that of the Anasazi, who arrived in the region around 500 AD, small game hunters and farmers of corn and pumpkins for their livelihood . Around 1000 AD, their culture was advanced to a point, which had begun to develop its own distinctive style ceramics, advanced methods of agricultural production, and a unique form of dwelling known as "pueblo".
Men of the most ancient past, we have found in burial caves. In addition, many cultures have developed the caves of the cliffs and the cliffs, especially if they are facing the sunrise, in many places of worship, cemeteries often. Examples of this exist in France in the Pyrenees, but the Cretan canyon known as the Valley of the Dead or the African Dogon cliffs are a common denominator, indicating that the caves and cliffs were favored, since remote antiquity. Because the Grand Canyon should be any different? And if so, then it is entirely possible that human remains are been found ... and perhaps continue to be found. Rather than
of Egyptian or Tibetan, however, seems to me that they are most likely remnants of the Anasazi. Anasazi groups, widely scattered across the southern Colorado Plateau, and in the upper basin of the Rio Grande, to define their similarities - and differences - largely of "Great Houses" or "cliff dwellings" multi-storey , pueblos compounds in different rooms. This connects them to each other, although individual groups themselves have more often supported each other's differences not similarities. The fact
site is near a center of the Navajo, who are descendants of one of the people Anasazi, which means "ancient" in the Navajo language. In Canyon de Chelly is the so-called Mummy Cave, the last known site in the area occupied by the Anasazi.
Located in a large alcove protected, about 300 feet above the bottom of the canyon, the two adjacent caves bearing the remains of a multi-storey dwelling consisting of 55 rooms and four circular ceremonial structures, or Kivas, perhaps dating back to 1050.
The first shipment of the Smithsonian called the canyon "Muerto", the two ancient bodies found buried there. So there is something very similar to the claims Kinkaid: a cave in a cliff, with a complex series of rooms, which also contain mummies ... e la Smithsonian è coinvolta. L’unica grande differenza sta nel fatto che questo sito è conosciuto, mentre quello di Kinkaid non lo è. Ma ciò che Mummy Cave altrettanto dimostra, è che non vi è alcuna necessità di tibetani o egiziani, ma che i suoi occupanti sono più probabilmente i locali Anasazi… se è esistita … e perché no? Mummy Cave può sembrare molto diversa da come immaginiamo quella che descrive Kinkaid … Ma sappiamo così poco di Kinkaid … Anche se questa storia può o non può essere vera, esempi come la Mummy Cave hanno dimostrato che la storia di Kinkaid può non essere tanto importante quanto molti credono che sia. Anche se Kinkaid e Jordan sono persone reali, the sensational aura of the report comes across with what she had written the anonymous author. And even if it were a true report, with the current climate, one can imagine why people would have easily mistaken for an ancient culture, a local Indian culture. It is not only because it was believed that the Indians possessed a level of development evolved, so, almost de facto, the site was to be the "Old World" ... In the twenty-first century, we know more certainly.
On 5 April 1909, a story on the front page nell'Arizona Gazette spoke of an archaeological expedition in the heart of the Grand Canyon, funded by the Smithsonian Institution, which had led to the discovery of Egyptian artifacts. On 5 April is a day that is close to 1 April - but not enough ... maybe the story could be true?
Since then, it has not heard more about this discovery. Today, more than five million tourists visit each year, the Grand Canyon. If there was something hidden in the canyon, it was discovered some time. However, most of tourists is only about three hours in the throat, usually to visit the legendary South Rim, a distance of about 89 miles, along which you will find most of the major tourist attractions. In addition, some have argued that the whole discovery was the subject of a large hedge, apparently in an attempt to maintain the old status quo argued by historians, namely that the ancient Egyptians have never ventured outside of the waters of River Nile.
The original story says that the group had found a network of underground tunnels, high above the Colorado River, which contains ancient relics, statues and even mummies. A great discovery, no doubt about it. Can not succeed to escape the eye of the archaeological radar. However, the Smithsonian Institution says it has no documentation about it. What happened? To find out, there is only a guide: the article itself. Although the article was anonymous, allowed to identify some of the archaeologists involved, "under the direction of Prof. SA Jordan," with the adventurer GE Kinkaid supported by the Smithsonian, which reports its findings.
But the story gets confused when the Smithsonian says about not finding Kinkaid and Jordan in their archives. To a request made in 2000, the institution said: "The Smithsonian Institution has received many questions about an article in the April 5 1909 della Phoenix Gazette su G.E. Kincaid e la sua scoperta di una ‘grande cittadella sotterranea’ nel Grand Canyon, scavata da un’antica razza di origine orientale, forse proveniente dall’Egitto.’ [...]Il Dipartimento di Antropologia della Smithsonian ha cercato nei propri archivi, senza trovare alcuna menzione di un Professore Jordan, di Kincaid, o di una civiltà egizia perduta in Arizona. Tuttavia, la storia continua ad essere ripetuta in libri e articoli.
Vi è la possibilità d’un muro di silenzio, ovviamente, come alcuni hanno sostenuto. Le registrazioni non devono necessariamente trovarsi in quell’archivio oppure il riferimento alla Phoenix Gazette invece che all’Arizona Gazette potrebbe essere un semplice errore, o una valvola di fuga che è spesso presente nelle risposte ufficiali di diplomazia per districarsi dalle domande difficili. Storie come “la Divisione X della CIA non ha alcun archivio” spesso significa che è la Divisione Y ad averlo.
Non sembra che esistesse nessun Professor Jordan, e lo stesso Kinkaid risulta molto difficile da trovare. Tuttavia, il 12 marzo dello stesso anno, la Gazzette ha riferito su una precedente fase dell’avventura di Kincaid: “G.E. Kincaid raggiunge Yuma”. Qui, Kinkaid è individuato come proveniente da “Lewiston, Idaho”, ed “è arrivato a Yuma, dopo un viaggio da Green River, Wyoming, lungo l’intero Colorado River. He is the second man to make this trip and came alone, in a small boat, stopping at will to explore the surrounding countryside. He left Green River in October with a small rowing boat, carrying a camera, with which it has taken more than 700 photos of the river and the canyon, which were impassable. Mr. Kincaid said that one of the most interesting aspects of the trip was the passage through the rapids, the dam of Laguna. He made this perilous passage with the only damage for loss of an oar "The story seems fairly clear and free of dark spots.
The article concludes: "Some interesting archaeological discoveries sono state portate alla luce e tutto il viaggio è stato di tale interesse che egli lo ripeterà il prossimo inverno in compagnia d’amici”.
Meno d’un mese dopo, lo stesso giornale sembrava continuare la storia al punto in cui l’aveva lasciata: ora era Kinkaid a parlare delle sue “interessanti scoperte archeologiche”, consistenti in una serie di gallerie e passaggi, con una camera a croce vicino all’ingresso, contenente una statua.
“L’idolo somiglia a Buddha, anche se gli scienziati non sono certi sul culto religioso, al quale possa riferirsi. Prendendo in considerazione tutto ciò che finora ho trovato, è possibile che questo culto somigli da vicino a quello dell’antico people of Tibet. " He also claimed to have found an unknown metal gray, similar to platinum, as well as small sculpted heads, scattered on the floor. The Urns is puzzled by the "mysterious hieroglyphs, which the Smithsonian Institute hopes yet to discover the key." In another room he found mummies: "Some of the mummies are covered with mud, and all are wrapped in a wrap cortex.
Again, the story is clear enough. Idols that "resemble" a Buddha, or rather "are" the Buddha. The worship of "likeness" to those of Tibet, not "is" ... trying to use Kinkaid analogies to explain his discovery. It is the anonymous author of the article to establish the connection with Egypt, and his mind is inclined to one of the greatest discoveries of all time. However, the newspaper apparently never followed up the story.
Although the involvement of the Smithsonian Institution makes you think of the possibility of a blackout (as some have claimed), this does not show that the whole story is a fake, or that is true, or that the newspaper may have made the history. "Kinkaid" may have been present, and may have inflated their credentials. In extreme alternative could be even everything happened as it is said, or it may be a fake, but made by whom?
The paper was quite explicit in this regard. It may have been a scam of his own publisher, in an attempt to sell more newspapers, but in that case we would expect to read more about discovery, including ads as "follow in the next edition, to solicit the public's appetite.
The anonymous article could have made history himself, perhaps because they had nothing to fill the entire paper. Maybe ... which leaves Kinkaid. In his first novel, we read that he claimed to have made archaeological discoveries, but it seems that all these occurred on their own. Inoltre, egli avrebbe scattato numerose fotografie. Dobbiamo sottolineare che la scoperta della rete di gallerie sotterranee si è verificata prima che il primo racconto fosse scritto. In realtà, sembra che la scoperta fosse stata fatta circa quattro o sei mesi prima dell’articolo. Ma dal secondo racconto apprendiamo che Kinkaid apparentemente non viaggiava da solo, ma era aiutato da un professore della Smithsonian. Inoltre, sembra non aver fatto foto della sua scoperta. Sebbene egli sostenga che l’accesso era stato molto difficile, ci si aspetterebbe che Kinkaid avesse portato alcune fotografie della zona.
Nell’articolo sulla Phoenix (Arizona) Gazette del 5 aprile 1909 si afferma che Kinkaid “ha riferito la storia” della "Underground town" the city "(and the Phoenix Gazette)" Yesterday "(April 4, 1909), after having" discovered "the site" several months ago. " It is clear that the newspaper is reporting on the latest information. But why Kinkaid did not include his discovery in his original story, in March, is more enigmatic. Although the newspaper in May he wanted to wait to reveal it, the delay is entirely caused by Kinkaid.
In the absence of traces of Kinkaid, however, as it can be said that he really existed? Jack Andrews pointed out that Kinkaid may have been a real person. In his account of the newspaper, is said to Kinkaid was "looking for minerals."
"I was traveling down the Colorado River in a boat, alone, in search of minerals."
The Canyon is a popular source of minerals, including copper. But in 1908, the year of shipment of Kinkaid, President Theodore Roosevelt had included the Canyon in a National Forest, with the closing of any mining or exploration activities. Andrews has also shown that the area in which he would have found the cave was a well-known field of exploration. So it could be true ... but maybe the newspaper has his name wrong ... A misspelling could send any researcher outside the right track, portando alla conclusione che una persona non sia esistita.
Che dire poi, a proposito della grotta? È un dato di fatto che il Canyon presenta molte buche e grotte, la maggior parte delle quali sono state scoperte da escursionisti. Chiaramente favorita per una connessione con l’Egitto è l’area attorno a Ninety-four Mile Creek e Trinity Creek, che ha siti con nomi come il Tempio di Iside, la Torre di Set, la Torre di Ra, il Tempio di Horus, il Tempio di Osiride, ecc. Nella zona di Haunted Canyon ci sono nomi come la Piramide di Cheope, il Chiostro di Buddha, il Tempio di Buddha, Shiva e il empio di Manu e il Tempio di Shiva.
In un libro intitolato “L’antico segreto del Fiore della Vita” (vol. II, pag 302), it is argued that two hikers along the way to the Temple of Isis, they found a pyramid, made of native rock. Once at the Temple of Isis, claimed to have seen a number of entrances of caves. They claimed that the entrances to the caves were at a height of 800 feet, and climbed up, hoping to enter the cave in what appeared most promising. Instead they found it blocked by rocks. In their view, the entry had been made by man and there was a round hole of 6 feet, carved into the ceiling.
is not known whether the case of an actual discovery, od'un story is not relevant for the record. The Temple of Isis is more than 40 miles dal luogo citato dal nostro articolo di giornale. Inoltre, esso è solo una delle numerose cavità nel Grand Canyon chiamate con termini come ‘egizio, greco, indù, cinesi’ e con nomi di divinità dei paesi nordici. L’origine dei nomi piuttosto esoterica è misteriosa, quasi come lo stesso Canyon, e ha dato luogo a più d’una speculazione su ciò che i primi esploratori potessero avervi trovato. Ma può anche essere una perfetta memoria del tempo in cui vi si trovavano cose egiziane ed indiane, che dovevano emanare un grande fascino.
Jack Andrews sostiene di aver conosciuto “la posizione di questa grotta [quella di Kinkaid] sin dal 1972. Ho mantenuto il segreto da allora”.
Nel June 2001, thought it was "a good time to disclose the location." But then he adds that he never found the "Physical position" of this discovery. From his description, it appears as if he had "seen" the site into a dream or a vision, but he had never set foot inside.
However, it can be groped to use the limited information on the site of Kinkaid, "forty miles up the river from El Tovar Crystal Canyon ..." This is not very precise. Andrews believes that the cave is in a deep river gorge, known as Marble Canyon, which is accessible "arriving by boat or float a boat or on foot from the edge of Little Colorado River gorge, on the Navajo reservation. " Andrews sets out some other possibilities, which all seem credible enough, to get somewhere ... but not necessarily inside the cave. Kinkaid wrote that "the entrance is 1486 feet below the wall of the Grand Canyon." Definitely not a suitable access for the faint of heart, and there arises the question of how the Kinkaid had succeeded in the business.
Andrews concluded: "I think the" cave "described in the story of the head of the Arizona Gazette, April 5, 1909, with its fantastic location underground, he was, and it can still be found, beyond a stretch six miles of the Colorado River in Marble Canyon, on the border between Marble Canyon and the Navajo Nation, over an area near the Kwagunt Rapids. "You may yet be discovered? A ranger said that 'the area of \u200b\u200bthe park is very remote and far [2000] our knowledge of the area is quite thin, and frankly, there is an area that regularly patrol the area [...], is rarely visited '. "
Skeptics have voiced much criticism at Andrews, while others believed the story without hesitation. One thing is to interpret the denial of the Smithsonian as evidence of a cover-up, but the interpretation that David Icke has done is something else. In "The Biggest Secret", he writes, quote: "In 1909, an underground city, built with the precision of the Great Pyramid, was found by GE Kincaid near the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It was big enough to accommodate 50,000 people and mummified bodies found there were of oriental or Egyptian origin, according to the leader of the expedition, Professor SA Jordan. One of my own research suggests that it comes to us from another dimension, the lower fourth dimension, where the control and handling of reptiles is primarily the capacity. "
The story continues to grow and grow, now the caves are home to a large population. Icke then adds his "research", using the story as "proof" for his theory of control of reptiles.
This leads us where? Perhaps the answer is somewhere in the middle of the dispute. Among the many caves, some even have to contain something. Kinkaid has never said that it was something of an Egyptian - has only sketched a comparison. You could simply say that this was something done by the natives ...
The first culture to occupy the valley was that of the Anasazi, who arrived in the region around 500 AD, small game hunters and farmers of corn and pumpkins for their livelihood . Around 1000 AD, their culture was advanced to a point, which had begun to develop its own distinctive style ceramics, advanced methods of agricultural production, and a unique form of dwelling known as "pueblo".
Men of the most ancient past, we have found in burial caves. In addition, many cultures have developed the caves of the cliffs and the cliffs, especially if they are facing the sunrise, in many places of worship, cemeteries often. Examples of this exist in France in the Pyrenees, but the Cretan canyon known as the Valley of the Dead or the African Dogon cliffs are a common denominator, indicating that the caves and cliffs were favored, since remote antiquity. Because the Grand Canyon should be any different? And if so, then it is entirely possible that human remains are been found ... and perhaps continue to be found. Rather than
of Egyptian or Tibetan, however, seems to me that they are most likely remnants of the Anasazi. Anasazi groups, widely scattered across the southern Colorado Plateau, and in the upper basin of the Rio Grande, to define their similarities - and differences - largely of "Great Houses" or "cliff dwellings" multi-storey , pueblos compounds in different rooms. This connects them to each other, although individual groups themselves have more often supported each other's differences not similarities. The fact
site is near a center of the Navajo, who are descendants of one of the people Anasazi, which means "ancient" in the Navajo language. In Canyon de Chelly is the so-called Mummy Cave, the last known site in the area occupied by the Anasazi.
Located in a large alcove protected, about 300 feet above the bottom of the canyon, the two adjacent caves bearing the remains of a multi-storey dwelling consisting of 55 rooms and four circular ceremonial structures, or Kivas, perhaps dating back to 1050.
The first shipment of the Smithsonian called the canyon "Muerto", the two ancient bodies found buried there. So there is something very similar to the claims Kinkaid: a cave in a cliff, with a complex series of rooms, which also contain mummies ... e la Smithsonian è coinvolta. L’unica grande differenza sta nel fatto che questo sito è conosciuto, mentre quello di Kinkaid non lo è. Ma ciò che Mummy Cave altrettanto dimostra, è che non vi è alcuna necessità di tibetani o egiziani, ma che i suoi occupanti sono più probabilmente i locali Anasazi… se è esistita … e perché no? Mummy Cave può sembrare molto diversa da come immaginiamo quella che descrive Kinkaid … Ma sappiamo così poco di Kinkaid … Anche se questa storia può o non può essere vera, esempi come la Mummy Cave hanno dimostrato che la storia di Kinkaid può non essere tanto importante quanto molti credono che sia. Anche se Kinkaid e Jordan sono persone reali, the sensational aura of the report comes across with what she had written the anonymous author. And even if it were a true report, with the current climate, one can imagine why people would have easily mistaken for an ancient culture, a local Indian culture. It is not only because it was believed that the Indians possessed a level of development evolved, so, almost de facto, the site was to be the "Old World" ... In the twenty-first century, we know more certainly.
The article in the Gazette:
EXPLORATIONS IN GRAND CANYON Mysteries of the immense
Rich Cavern brought to light Jordan is excited
Significant findings indicate ancient people migrated from East
EXPLORATIONS IN GRAND CANYON Mysteries of the immense
Rich Cavern brought to light Jordan is excited
Significant findings indicate ancient people migrated from East
The latest news on the progress of the explorations of what is now regarded by scientists as not only the oldest archaeological discovery in the United States, but one of the most valuable in the world, as has been said some time ago in the Gazette, was submitted to the city yesterday by GE Kinkaid, the explorer who found the great underground citadel of the Grand Canyon during a trip from Green River, Wyoming, Colorado, in a wooden boat, to Yuma, several months ago.
According to the Journal story by Mr. Kinkaid, the archaeologists of the Smithsonian Institution, which financed the expedition, have made discoveries which almost conclusively shown that the race which inhabited this mysterious cavern, hewn in the rock by human hands, was of oriental origin, possibly from Egypt, the time of Ramses. If their theories are supported by the translation of the tablets engraved with hieroglyphics, the mystery of the prehistoric peoples of North America, their ancient arts, who they were and whence they came will be solved. Egypt and the Nile, and Arizona and Colorado will be linked by a historical chain running back up to that time such as to stagger the writers of science fiction. A thorough examination
According to the Journal story by Mr. Kinkaid, the archaeologists of the Smithsonian Institution, which financed the expedition, have made discoveries which almost conclusively shown that the race which inhabited this mysterious cavern, hewn in the rock by human hands, was of oriental origin, possibly from Egypt, the time of Ramses. If their theories are supported by the translation of the tablets engraved with hieroglyphics, the mystery of the prehistoric peoples of North America, their ancient arts, who they were and whence they came will be solved. Egypt and the Nile, and Arizona and Colorado will be linked by a historical chain running back up to that time such as to stagger the writers of science fiction. A thorough examination
Under the direction of Prof. SA Jordan, the Smithsonian Institution is continuing a more in-depth research, which will be continued until the last link in the chain is not clear. Nearly a mile underground, about 1480 feet below the surface, it is the main route through the tunnel to find another huge room from which radiates a network of passages, like the spokes of a wheel.
Several hundred rooms have been discovered, reached by steps that lead from the main. One of them has been explored for 854 feet and the other for 634. Recent discoveries include items that have never been known as native to this country, and no doubt have their origin in the East. War weapons, copper instruments, sharp-cut and hard such as steel, indicate the high state of civilization reached by these strange people. Scientists have shown so concerned that preparations are being made to widen the field of study, and staff will be increased to thirty or forty people.
The report of Mr. Kinkaid
Mr. Kinkaid was the first white child born in Idaho and was an explorer and hunter throughout his life, for thirty years has been serving the Smithsonian Institution. Also told in short, his history sounds fabulous, almost grotesque.
"First, let me emphasize that the cavern is nearly inaccessible. The entrance is 1486 feet down on the wall of the grand canyon. It is located on government land and no visit is allowed under penalty of violation. Scientists want to work in peace, without fear that the archaeological discoveries are ruined by vandals and treasure hunters. A trip would be useless, and the visitor would be sent back his way. The story of how I found the cave was told, but at one point: I was traveling down the Colorado River by boat, alone, looking for minerals. About forty miles along the river from El Tovar Crystal canyon, I saw, on the east wall, stains in the sedimentary formation about 2000 feet above the riverbed. There was no path at that point, but I finally reached with great difficulty.
Above a platform that hides the view from the river, there was the entrance to the cave. There are steps leading from this entrance some thirty yards away, up to what was, at the time when the cave was inhabited, the river level. When I saw the chisel marks on the wall at the entrance, my interest was awakened, grabbed the gun and went inside. Penetrated to several tens of meters along the main passage, until you get to the crypt in which I discovered the mummies. He put in a position to photograph with a flash. I collected a number of items that I brought up down the Colorado to Yuma, where I have sent to Washington with details of the discovery. After that, the explorations were undertaken.
Mr. Kinkaid was the first white child born in Idaho and was an explorer and hunter throughout his life, for thirty years has been serving the Smithsonian Institution. Also told in short, his history sounds fabulous, almost grotesque.
"First, let me emphasize that the cavern is nearly inaccessible. The entrance is 1486 feet down on the wall of the grand canyon. It is located on government land and no visit is allowed under penalty of violation. Scientists want to work in peace, without fear that the archaeological discoveries are ruined by vandals and treasure hunters. A trip would be useless, and the visitor would be sent back his way. The story of how I found the cave was told, but at one point: I was traveling down the Colorado River by boat, alone, looking for minerals. About forty miles along the river from El Tovar Crystal canyon, I saw, on the east wall, stains in the sedimentary formation about 2000 feet above the riverbed. There was no path at that point, but I finally reached with great difficulty.
Above a platform that hides the view from the river, there was the entrance to the cave. There are steps leading from this entrance some thirty yards away, up to what was, at the time when the cave was inhabited, the river level. When I saw the chisel marks on the wall at the entrance, my interest was awakened, grabbed the gun and went inside. Penetrated to several tens of meters along the main passage, until you get to the crypt in which I discovered the mummies. He put in a position to photograph with a flash. I collected a number of items that I brought up down the Colorado to Yuma, where I have sent to Washington with details of the discovery. After that, the explorations were undertaken.
The main passageway is about 12 feet wide, which are reduced to nine towards the end. A 57 feet from the entrance opening of the first steps to the right and left side, on both sides, leading to a large number of rooms about 10 or 13 meters. One enters the Oval serving and are ventilated by round holes, obtained in the thickness of the walls of the passages. The steps are little more than a meter wide and are finished with the chisel, well-defined, as if he had plotted an engineer. The ceilings of many of the rooms converge towards the top. The side passages near the entrance form an acute angle from the main hall, but then gradually bend up to a right angle. The Sanctuary
The main passageway is about 12 feet wide, which are reduced to nine towards the end. A 57 feet from the entrance opening of the first steps to the right and left side, on both sides, leading to a large number of rooms about 10 or 13 meters. One enters the Oval serving and are ventilated by round holes, obtained in the thickness of the walls of the passages. The steps are little more than a meter wide and are finished with the chisel, well-defined, as if he had plotted an engineer. The ceilings of many of the rooms converge towards the top. The side passages near the entrance form an acute angle from the main hall, but then gradually bend up to a right angle. The Sanctuary
A thirty meters from the 'entrance hall there is a crossroads, several hundred feet long, is located in the idol, or image, the god of those people, sitting cross-legged with a lotus flower or lily in each hand. The appearance of the face is oriental, such as carved decorations in this cave. The idol resembles Buddha, though scientists are not certain with regard to religious worship it represents. Taking into account everything that has so far been found, it is possible that this worship is similar to that of the ancient people Tibet.
Around the idol are smaller images, some very beautiful in form, others crooked-necked and distorted shapes, symbolical, probably, of good and evil. There are two large cactus with protruding arms, one on each side of the stage on which stands the god. All this is carved in the rock, similar to marble. In the opposite corner of the hall were found tools of all descriptions, made of copper. These people certainly know a lost art for hardening this metal, which has since been sought by chemicals for centuries without result. On a bench that runs all around there was about a coal with other materials, probably used in the process. There is also slag and stuff similar to molds, which shows that these ancient men smelted ores, but so far no trace of where and how this was done it was discovered, nor the source of the mineral.
"Among the other finds are vases or urns and cups of copper and gold, with artistic forms. The work includes glass and porcelain enamel. Another passage leads to granaries such as are found in the oriental temples. They contain seeds of various kinds. A large department store has not yet been explored, as it is twelve feet high and can be reached only from above. Two copper hooks to hang over the edge, which indicates that a kind of ladder was attached. These granaries are rounded, and the materials that are made, in my opinion, are made with very hard cement. A gray metal is also found in this cavern, which puzzles the scientists, because his identity has not been established. It resembles platinum. Scattered everywhere on the floor everywhere are what people call "cats eyes", a yellow stone of no great value. Each is engraved with the head of the Malay type.
"On all the urns, walls or doors, and stone tablets, were found images of mysterious hieroglyphics, the key to the Smithsonian Institution still hoping to discover. The engraving on the tables probably has something to do with the religion of those people. Hieroglyphics Similar results were found in southern Arizona. Among the graffiti painting, there are only two animals. One is of prehistoric type. "
"On all the urns, walls or doors, and stone tablets, were found images of mysterious hieroglyphics, the key to the Smithsonian Institution still hoping to discover. The engraving on the tables probably has something to do with the religion of those people. Hieroglyphics Similar results were found in southern Arizona. Among the graffiti painting, there are only two animals. One is of prehistoric type. "
The Crypt "The tomb or crypt in which the mummies were found is one of the largest rooms, the walls bent back at an angle of about 35 degrees. There are different levels of mummies, each one has a platform excavated. At the head of each is a small bench, where there are copper cups and pieces of broken swords. Some of the mummies are covered with mud, and all are wrapped in sheaths of bark.
The urns or cups of the lowest levels are rough, while in the higher shelves are reached polls excellence in design, showing a significant stage of civilization. It is noteworthy that all the mummies examined so far have proved to be male, without children or women were buried here. This leads us to believe it was the outer section of a barrack of soldiers.
"Among the findings were not found animal bones or skins, no clothing or bedding. Many of the rooms are bare but for water vessels. One room, about 40 to 700 feet, was probably the main dining room, and there are kitchen utensils. Do not know who lived here, even if one assumes that came south in winter to the breeding farms in the valleys, and dated back to the north in summer.
Up to 50,000 people may have lived in these caverns comfortably. One theory is that the present Indian tribes in Arizona are descendants of slaves, peasants or the people who lived in the cave. Undoubtedly, many thousands of years before the Christian era, a people lived here, and reached a high stage of civilization. The chronology of human history is full of gaps. Professor Jordan is very excited about the discoveries and believes that research will prove of incalculable archaeological value.
"One thing I have not spoken, but that may be interesting: there is a through room with no ventilation, and when we approached we were struck by a deadly odor, terrible, like a smell of snakes. The light that we had at our disposal could not penetrate the darkness, and we do not know what the camera can hold. Some say snakes, but others reject this idea and I think it might contain a deadly gas or chemicals used by the ancients. You do not hear sounds, but the smell of snakes. The entire underground rattles the nerves. The sadness will weigh on their shoulders, and beyond our flashlights and candles, there was only darkness blacker. The imagination can indulge in speculation and dreams, to go over and rebuild the centuries have passed. "
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