2.1 Analysis of need
The route in question introduces the class to the study of biology, prioritizing the description of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell and theories related to the cell theory, the origin of life, and the endosymbiotic theory of spontaneous generation.
2.2 Purpose of the teaching project From the point of view of the discipline, the presentation of the cell theory and hypothesis on the origin and evolution of the phone gives you the opportunity to talk about the method by which proceeds the construction of knowledge science. In addition, the cell theory allows to stress the importance of placing each theory in the historical context in which it was developed to provide an example of how a theory is born and is modified scientifica. Questi aspetti risultano particolarmente interessanti per un liceo. Dal momento che i contenuti associati a questi temi sono vasti, si è scelto di concentrare l’attenzione su alcuni concetti chiave (rappresentati nella mappa concettuale), che si ritiene siano fondamentali per approfondire, in seguito, gli argomenti previsti nel curricolo e per avere un’idea del modo di lavorare della disciplina-ricerca. In particolare, si fa riferimento ai seguenti obiettivi:
- Abituare lo studente a comprendere la peculiarità del sapere scientifico legato al metodo sperimentale di produzione delle conoscenze;
- Increased awareness of the value of biology as a cultural component to the reading and interpretation of reality; - Increased awareness of the complexity of living organisms.
2.3 Theoretical Background reference
The reference model is the reference model for teaching concepts. Consequently, it has built the concept map can be compared with the cognitive matrix of students, as is clear from clinical conversation. The comparison matrix between cognitive and conceptual map allows you to decide which task of learning to set up for class, or what concepts go ad approfondire (Recchia, 2007). Strategie didattiche Un gruppo di attività sono particolarmente adeguate ad uno stile cognitivo visivo non verbale (apprendimento legato alle immagini) e/o cinestetico (apprendimento legato all’esperienza diretta), con il ricorso alla didattica laboratoriale e alla didattica espositivo/partecipativa con immagini di supporto alla lezione. Altre, sono adeguate ad uno stile cognitivo visivo verbale (apprendimento legato alla lettura) e/o uditivo (legato all’ascolto), con il ricorso alla didattica espositivo/partecipativa con costruzione di schemi da parte degli studenti. Tutto questo allo scopo di far sperimentare alla classe diversi stili di acquisizione della conoscenza: - Stile uditivo e Stile visuale verbale/non verbale: lezione frontale partecipata alternata alla lezione frontale con l’ausilio di una presentazione in power – point con ampio ricorso a schemi e immagini; - Stile cinestetico: metodo laboratoriale. Inoltre, per favorire il lavoro in gruppo, si propone di utilizzare il cooperative learning per affrontare il tema delle teorie biologiche. Il ricorso al metodo espositivo partecipativo è stato necessario data la vastità dei temi affrontati, in quanto questo è un metodo efficace per presentare in breve tempo numerosi concetti e per porre le basi ed organizzare il campo per lo studio individuale o di gruppo (Tessaro, 2002).
3 Development of the project
3.1 Skills outgoing
disciplinary skills - Can describe the structure of the nucleus, and knows to compare two cells to distinguish prokaryotic from eukaryotic cells. - Can describe the major cellular organelles, indicating the function, and knows how to compare eukaryotic cells to distinguish animals from plants. - Can describe the structure of the cell membrane and can identify the main features to justify the importance of this cellular structure. - Can describe the basic steps of the theories presented, and knows how to submit the evidence for or against.
Competenze trasversali - Sa descrivere i passaggi fondamentali del metodo scientifico e conosce il modo di procedere della scienza e la provvisorietà del sapere scientifico;
Competenze sociali
- Sa rispettare le regole della collaborazione contrattate per l’attività di gruppo; - Sa rispettare i tempi di consegna per organizzare al meglio il proprio lavoro.
3.2 Requisiti Il progetto si colloca all’incirca a metà della programmazione curricolare; gli studenti dovrebbero possedere conoscenze anche generali sulle molecole biologiche (zuccheri, lipidi, proteine) e un minimo terminology relating to it. Because of the time, it is necessary that the student already has a bit of manual work using a microscope connected to a knowledge of terminology.
3.3 Key conceptual
The conceptual issues developed in this project are:
- The cell as a structural and functional unit of living organisms;
- The partitioning of the cell in relation to the functions performed;
- The differences between prokaryotic to eukaryotic cell;
- Theories phones as examples of progress of construction of scientific knowledge; 3.4 Concept map
4 fasi operative
Si riportano le fasi operative.
Fase del percorso 1. Conversazione clinica. Costruzione della matrice cognitiva e del concetto di “essere vivente”.
1 ora
2. Eucarioti e procarioti
2 ora
3. Osservazione di cellule vegetali e animali.
Osservazione di cellule animali e vegetali; identificazione di analogie e differenze. 1 ora 4. Teorie ed ipotesi La teoria cellulare, le ipotesi sull’origine della vita e sull’evoluzione degli eucarioti dai procarioti (teorie endosimbiontiche). 2 ore 5. Ricostruzione della matrice cognitiva Ricapitolazione dei concetti trattati; costruzione di mappe concettuali. 1 ora 6. Verifica
Verifica delle competenze.
1 ora
TOTALE 8 ore
4.6. Verifica delle competenze
Competenze disciplinari e trasversali
Sono da verificare tramite un compito scritto, con domande aperte.
Testo del compito
Rispondi sinteticamente alle seguenti domande:
1. Describe the structure of the cell membrane, indicating the characteristics that determine their importance.
2. What are the elements that allow you to distinguish a prokaryotic cell from a eukaryotic cell? 3. List the major organelles found in a eukaryotic cell, dividing them according to the function they perform. 4. Briefly describe the structure of a mitochondrion. 5. Look at the pictures in the electron microscope. Which one is an animal cell? What elements allow you to respond? AB
6. Outlines the main steps of one of the theories regarding the cell presented in class by a group other than yours.
7. Optional Question:
Describe the structure of the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell.
Criteria for correction of tasks
was assigned a score ranging from 0 to 4 points to each answer:
4: comprehensively and with correct terminology;
3: complete response, and quite correct terminology;
2 : partial response, non-specific terminology;
1: poor response;
0: question not answered.
changes were foreseen by half a point to take account of nuances in terminology or details of the responses. For question
optional, was given a maximum score of 1 point, so that it could not compensate for a question not answered in the compulsory. It was considered sufficient
an overall score of 15 points, equivalent to an average of 2.5 points in question, excluding optional.
for the correction, there should be considering all responses to the same question, often comparing the responses of several students among them, as much as possible to avoid incurring the error of contiguity (Tessaro, 2002).
5 Bibliography Recchia, 2007. Materials provided during the course of Laboratory of Chemistry Teaching. SSIS Veneto, VII round, AA 2006/2007, Padova. F. Tessier, 2002. Methodology and teaching in secondary education. Armando publisher.
Osservazione di cellule animali e vegetali; identificazione di analogie e differenze. 1 ora 4. Teorie ed ipotesi La teoria cellulare, le ipotesi sull’origine della vita e sull’evoluzione degli eucarioti dai procarioti (teorie endosimbiontiche). 2 ore 5. Ricostruzione della matrice cognitiva Ricapitolazione dei concetti trattati; costruzione di mappe concettuali. 1 ora 6. Verifica
Verifica delle competenze.
1 ora
TOTALE 8 ore
4.6. Verifica delle competenze
Competenze disciplinari e trasversali
Sono da verificare tramite un compito scritto, con domande aperte.
Testo del compito
Rispondi sinteticamente alle seguenti domande:
1. Describe the structure of the cell membrane, indicating the characteristics that determine their importance.
2. What are the elements that allow you to distinguish a prokaryotic cell from a eukaryotic cell? 3. List the major organelles found in a eukaryotic cell, dividing them according to the function they perform. 4. Briefly describe the structure of a mitochondrion. 5. Look at the pictures in the electron microscope. Which one is an animal cell? What elements allow you to respond? AB
6. Outlines the main steps of one of the theories regarding the cell presented in class by a group other than yours.
7. Optional Question:
Describe the structure of the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell.
Criteria for correction of tasks
was assigned a score ranging from 0 to 4 points to each answer:
4: comprehensively and with correct terminology;
3: complete response, and quite correct terminology;
2 : partial response, non-specific terminology;
1: poor response;
0: question not answered.
changes were foreseen by half a point to take account of nuances in terminology or details of the responses. For question
optional, was given a maximum score of 1 point, so that it could not compensate for a question not answered in the compulsory. It was considered sufficient
an overall score of 15 points, equivalent to an average of 2.5 points in question, excluding optional.
for the correction, there should be considering all responses to the same question, often comparing the responses of several students among them, as much as possible to avoid incurring the error of contiguity (Tessaro, 2002).
5 Bibliography Recchia, 2007. Materials provided during the course of Laboratory of Chemistry Teaching. SSIS Veneto, VII round, AA 2006/2007, Padova. F. Tessier, 2002. Methodology and teaching in secondary education. Armando publisher.
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