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Grazie a questo blog ho conosciuto un sacco di persone speciali, alcune delle quali fanno ora e per sempre parte della mia vita. Grazie a questo blog ogni giorno rivivo in maniera vivida le mie avventure in Giappone, questo era stato il principale motivo per cui l'avevo aperto, nel 2007: sono felice che possa essere anche per voi come per me un momento di evasione e di sogno, in attesa del vostro prossimo viaggio.
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Volo AZ0782 FCO-NRT, 18 settembre 2010, terza parte: il volo e i pasti... Continued from here ...
Third party (here the first and second ). We're going to take the flight AZ0782, an Alitalia Boeing 777-243/ER with brands I-inequality that Rome Fiumicino (LIRF / FCO) in approximately 12 hours will lead us directly to the 成 田 国际 空港 ( Narita Kokusai Kuko - Narita International Airport ) or as it was known until 2004 (and as he was called by the speaker in the splendid and unforgettable opening sequence of Lost In Translation ) 新 東京 国際 空港 成田 ( Shin -Tōkyō Kokusai Kūkō Narita - Nuovo aeroporto internazionale di Tokyo Narita )(RJAA/NRT), che si trova nella 千葉 県 ( Chiba- ken - prefettura di Chiba ).
( Picture by Plane Hunter , ) We are on board the vessel is completed. Everyone seats are equipped with a green wool blanket and a pillow , both sterilized and sealed in a plastic bag. Although it is of excellent quality, the seats and in general the 'furniture Alitalia aircraft is almost always quite shabby : Some seats have malfunction of the spring backrest recline , remote commands AVOD systems are often destroyed, with bare wires, always with some buttons not working, their slots in the armrests have quasi sempre lo sportellino smollato se non completamente fuori dalle relative cerniere di rotazione. Alcuni schermi degli AVOD sono danneggiati da atti di vandalismo , come raschiature di chiave (nel 2007 al ritorno ho volato con un AVOD che aveva disegnato un bello "smile" nello schermo"). Il pessimo stato di tutto ciò, ahimè, dipende principalmente dagli animali che vengono trasportati su questi aerei, si sa che gli Italiani non tengono molto al bene pubblico . Di certo sugli aerei JAL è raro vedere delle attrezzature ridotte in un certo stato, e il malfunzionamento di un PTV precede un sicuro cambiamento di posto se non un fortunato upgrade in classe business: in caso di malfunzionamento del sistema, in Alitalia (se unable to get his attention) comes a flight attendant that you would kill to have it disturbed, restart your system for all its angry row with your mates place and almost never does not solve the problem, I have to keep as is .
( Picture by Plane Hunter , ) After takeoff, the flight attendants distributed to all passengers headphones for the entertainment system also been sterilized and sealed in an envelope. After take-off and initial climb the AVOD is turned on. This is the screen: You can access the GPS map in time real information about the parameters of flight and position, with an expensive satellite phone to credit card ; play simple video games, listening to music, shopping by catalog Alitalia explore the destinations served by Alitalia, watch movies and programs television as I said " on demand" access to an area of \u200b\u200bentertainment for children. There is also a service instruction peri less practical.
Immediately after the car is prepared for lunch ...
( Photo by David Cassanelli ) These mountains under the wing of the 777 EI-DDH should be the Apennine Mountains ...
In this picture you can see the wing of the specimen I-inequality (with the new color, the word "Alitalia" is italicized and green, make the comparison with the photo above) deformed by the weight of the plane, this effect is called " wing bending " and is normal, no fear ...
But there comes the lunch hour, the car comes alive, and our flight attendants and a little reluctantly suddenly we need the tray. It seemed that they were doing us a favor, a favor, to do so ... this was my impression. But Japan's JAL flight attendants were not much better ...
And here is the dining room as usual I took the Japanese meat menu (you could choose an alternative to Italian and it seems to me that there was an option of the menu Japanese fish as on JAL): we have a pan with hot steamed rice to the Japanese, four slices of chicken lightly caramelised slices of carrots, pickled ginger (the red one), a kind of shiitake mushroom (the black rectangle) and green beans. To the left is the bowl of cold smoked Norwegian salmon, the steamed vegetables on a bed of daikon. There are snacks that include a bowl of butter spread, a small pack of crackers on which microscopic spread butter and an intriguing micro-snack pack of Parmigiano Reggiano.
Apart from that I hate mushrooms, so that kind of black thing round and lean, remained where he was, it was all fairly good: the ginger gave this Japanese taste to the meat and rice, even if those beans not we were to do nothing. The salmon was abundant and I love smoked salmon. The cooked vegetables not inspired me and I left. Unfortunately, my expectations were too optimistic for Parmesan cheese: it was not absolutely good, I had to leave that too ...
( Photo by David Cassanelli ) And here was the lunch served to David on October 7 EI-DDH on sheet. But we make a comparison between the two ...
Apparently I was luckier than me! In the room of David's half of the salmon, the middle of the daikon, A say A slice of boiled carrots and green beans instead of the broccoli, there are (maybe I preferred the broccoli). The meat also seems to be served in smaller quantities and, above all, horror of horrors, there is the pickled ginger! But do not miss the mushroom ...
By comparison then with meals JAL, always made from the same catering company in Heathrow on specific company but I guess a little different: we net loss, however :
I have grouped all the meals return trips to Japan I played so far: the best ones were definitely marked JAL in 2007 and 2008, but first things first:
September 18, 2007 (JAL) Japanese meat menu:
- hot pan with chicken and caramelized beef stew, pickled ginger, steamed rice to the Japanese, scrambled eggs and peas.
- little bowl of soba noodles and wasabi.
- bowl with a sort of capon in Japanese.
- with a bowl of fresh fruit salad.
- Condiments: bottle, sauce for cold soba noodles, soy sauce packet.
- Accessories: fork, spoon and knife, steel, wooden chopsticks and napkin.
- Choice of beverage (I had taken water).
- A hot drink choice.
August 19, 2008 (JAL), Japanese menu of meat
- hot pan with chicken and caramelized beef stew, pickled ginger, steamed rice to the Japanese, scrambled eggs and peas.
- little bowl of soba noodles and wasabi.
- Norwegian smoked salmon with a small bowl, cream butter, olive and a slice of lemon.
- with a bowl (Paradise) with strawberry cream (of which are still a vivid memory ...).
- Condiments: bottle, sauce for cold soba noodles, soy sauce packet.
- Accessories: fork, spoon and steel knife, wooden chopsticks and napkin.
- Choice of beverage (I got orange juice).
- A hot drink.
September 20, 2009 (JAL), Japanese menu of meat
- hot pan with chicken and caramelized (very little) beef stew (very little), pickled ginger, steamed rice to the Japanese (without the scrambled eggs), and peas.
- little bowl of soba noodles and wasabi.
- bowl with a salad and squalid scarnissima
- a thin slice of French bread (?)
- Seasonings: Bottle with a sauce for cold soba noodles, soy sauce packet.
- Accessories: fork, spoon and knife, steel, wooden chopsticks and napkin.
- Choice of beverage (I got orange juice).
- A hot drink.
And then there's this flight, but unfortunately there is no longer soba, nor the (heavenly) strawberry cream, or beef stew nor even the scrambled eggs, although pan with the salmon is greater. There is a nice sandwich, which should overcome the shortcomings, but it does certainly in a less exotic and tasty. The drink is a red orange juice.
And surprisingly, for dessert, we were then served a small cornetto ice cream! What a welcome touch of class!
But we come to breakfast, served just before landing:
We have: a low-quality industrial croissant filled with cream, a tray with two slices of smoked ham, two bits of salad totally unattractive color, an olive, mozzarella, cherry and two from reassuring little yellowish. Do not miss the sandwich here, if not more useful to spread butter and jam included. Finally a strawberry yogurt. Even for breakfast we have the opportunity to choose a beverage of your choice in addition to the usual hot drink that never fails.
We see what happened in previous years:
Here we have a breakfast of all four flights so far I have made to reach Japan: JAL had three, and the last, that we are discussing, Alitalia.
September 19, 2007 (JAL), set menu:
- hot pan with some sort of lasagna covered with white sauce and cubes of bacon.
- microscopic bowl with a fruit salad.
- A fruit yogurt
- A low-quality industrial croissant
- A pack of jam and butter, but there was nothing on which to spread.
- A beverage of your choice.
- A hot drink.
August 20, 2008 (JAL), set menu:
- hot pan with a pre-grilled sausage, lasagna rolls with tomato sauce and cheese, two lumps of mashed potatoes and a blanket of white sauce flavored with herbs .
- microscopic bowl with a fruit salad.
- Uno yogurt di frutta.
- Un cornetto industriale di bassa qualità.
- Un cioccolato Mars e una confezione di burro (senza niente su cui spalmarlo).
- Una bevanda a scelta.
- Una bevanda calda a scelta.
21 settembre 2009 (JAL), menù fisso:
- Vaschetta calda con pancetta, una cipolla dolce, una homelette ripiena di ketchup e formaggio, UN pomodorino ciliegia.
- Ciotolina con una microscopica macedonia di frutta.
- Un succo di frutta in brik da 250ml
- Un cornetto industriale di bassa qualità.
- A hot drink.
And we come to the breakfast of this flight: seems that Alitalia, compared to JAL, slight hot meals for breakfast and more points on a Mediterranean breakfast , while risking a salt component in the menu, but creepy even the dead. Brilliant for the sandwich spread butter and jam, so as not to be wasted in JAL.
Aft Alitalia is set up in the "Sky Oasis" , which is nothing but a table where you can always find a bottle of water, a bottle of Coca-Cola and a bottle of juice orange red fruit strictly . Is there something similar in the JAL flights, but is useful only for the delicious Japanese snacks available throughout the flight because the flight attendants running with a Japanese pitcher of water ready to fill the glasses. On the other hand Alitalia flight attendants ... disappear. themselves up in the aft galley and after dinner do not see them until the hour of breakfast . As mentioned above, call for an emergency or a malfunction dell'AVOD no avail, the call button is only there for show.
The sun will rise, the Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan is under a thick blanket of clouds and mist, it begins the descent to Tokyo ... (More. ..)
(Here first and second part)
Volo AZ0782 FCO-NRT, 18 settembre 2010, seconda parte: l'imbarco e la cabina... Continued from here ...
photos of this post are from two different flights made by me and David, it is always the flight AZ0782, but I have taken 18 September 2010, while David has taken a few weeks later, the October 7, 2010. The planes are identical, but Boeing 777-243/ER are two different specimens, one taken from me was I-inequality, while David was taken by EI-DDH. You can consider two planes twins, their only difference is the color scheme. It 's interesting to compare some aspects of these two twins flights taken within a few days of each other: the same route, same times, same catering (this aspect that will be analyzed in Part Three) , same places (although several rows, they were both "L", that windows on the right).
( Photo by David Cassanelli ) output My flight was assigned to the G05 , that the flight of David (pictured above) was the G09. We are in the satellite terminal (T5) 's airport Leonardo Da Vinci Fiumicino of . Q his year boarding is done a little differently than last year . The gate area was partially enclosed by columns of Tendiflex , passengers awaiting boarding sitting in chairs waiting inside the fenced area at the time of boarding the beginning of Alitalia's ground operators have closed the boarding area evicting all the passengers waiting inside the fenced area, and they did a first control documents (boarding pass and ID) the same after having them come inside the fenced control, then began boarding, with a new documentary and the withdrawal of boarding passes ...
(Picture from here ) past the gate, you go down these stairs and furniture reaches the lower floor where there is the entrance to the dock boarding (finger) telescope to the entrance of the aircraft ...
( Picture by Darren Koch , ) Above is an overview of the satellite terminal Fiumicino: the first was called "C", now called "T5 ". The finger that I used for this flight is shown by the red square ...
If you are one of the jocks who are traveling in Magnifica class, pass the first entry and enter the second ...
( Map from ) My place was 18L. The place "L" is on the right side window: 777 economy class of Alitalia is furnished with 30 rows of seats arranged in nine columns : There are two corridors that divide the columns into groups of three (3/3/3 ).
( Picture by Matthew Lee , ) Here is the cabin of an Alitalia 777. One of the down of seating compared to the full availability of the Alitalia 777 of 747 seats in Economy Class on JAL (which also has a higher population density organized in 10 columns with two aisles, according to the scheme 3/4/3, see the map on here ) is that there are no divisions and the entire economy cabin is divided in two areas separated by a long block service. The block is also the main service center with four separate lavatory rooms, and so this involves a perennial crowding of the central area of \u200b\u200bthe economy to the detriment of those whose seats are assigned in that area: the most unlucky to this point of view are those of the file 29 and 30 fact, if you have the misfortune to sit there, as well as attend a perpetual procession of incontinence, the backs your seats will be used as support from incontinence who will govern you while waiting for the cabinet in case of turbulence (but even if there is none) or in the case of stretching exercises against "economy class thrombosis.
( Photo by David Cassanelli ) This photo taken by David on a seat "L" specimen EI-DDH is explanatory of the conditions in which I find to spend the next twelve hours of my life. Space is very limited, and more under the seat is placed side-window box PTV system hardware of the previous row : questo implica che ci sia un minor spazio a disposizione (circa il 60%) per alloggiare il bagaglio a mano lì sotto e soprattutto s olo la gamba destra si può allungare liberamente sotto il sedile .
( Contact me to claim the copyright for this picture ) Dal punto di vista dell'ergonomicità e della comodità i sedili del 777 Alitalia, marchiati Recaro e rivestiti in pelle nel poggia-testa, surclassano quelli del 747 JAL , più grezzi e rivestiti in nylon. Innanzitutto già dalla forma, when compared with those of JAL ( look here and here ) appear larger and more solid , and have a separate leather pillow for the head. U na the blessings of these seats is the retractable footrest (highlighted by the square in the photo above): JAL absolutely absent in 747, to vary relative position of the legs. Another point in favor of these seats is that are deeper and softer than the 747 JAL, recline up to a maximum angle and the movement of upper slide reclining the seat slightly forward, making the position a bit 'more convenient . The PTV, personal multimedia entertainment system when it works (I remember a Tokyo-Rome with PTV AZ broken, damn ...) does it very well and is more advanced systems MAGIC-1 and MAGIC-2 installed in the economy class of 747 JAL: films are in Italian (clear option not available on JAL) and viewable on demand, as if watching a DVD (which is why they call AVOD , Audio Video On-Demand ), while systems JAL films are screened in a loop of dedicated channels, so if you decide to beginning your watching a film that has already started, wait the end and wait to begin again, very bad. shields Alitalia systems are slightly larger than those systems JAL, and there are some nice options such as phone system, namely the ability to call a friend in a place far from our entering the number of its place in telephone handset that is in the back of the remote control system.
Here we are at our place: when m'imbarco in an intercontinental flight I always hope that the empty seats next to me are not employed by anyone to even dare to have more space and a bed high altitude, but this only happened once in a total of 8 crossings between Italy and Japan (see here ) ...
( Photo by David Cassanelli ) Our beloved ground operators load the pallets full of luggage in the hold of the 777 ... and we're ready for takeoff. .. (More. ..)
(Here the first and third party ...)
Volo AZ0782 FCO-NRT, 18 settembre 2010, prima parte: il mio primo biglietto premio Alitalia per il Giappone As usual for this blog, the first (or almost) post (not travelogue but "Resuming") of each trip is an analysis of the outbound flight. I've always reviewed with the Japan Airlines flight made in the previous three trips I have always taken the direct flight AZ7788-JL0400 NRT-FCO (Rome Fiumicino - Tokyo Narita) departing at 21:50 and operated with a Boeing 747-400 of JAL in code-sharing with Alitalia ( Here the full reports of all flights in time prior to this post , if you want to read each flight separately, click the following link: flight 2007, flight 2008 ; flight 2009).
Unfortunately JAL no longer operates from Rome Because of the austerity policy imposed by the terrible financial situation facing the Japanese airline. So the only solution left for direct flights from Italy to Japan is to travel with Alitalia. In previous trips, while flying with JAL as I always bought the flight AZ7788, Alitalia and then as a customer ...
... played with former international flights, plus some domestic flights and the expenditure incurred by the credit card you see above, that is the American Express Premium card Alitalia ( more info ) (that every euro spent will earn you points MilleMiglia Alitalia (le miglia guadagnate per ogni euro speso sono variabili, 1,25 per tutti gli acquisti, 2; 3; o 5 nei negozi convenzionati) sono riuscito a raggiungere il traguardo delle 85.000 miglia necessarie per un volo premio per il Giappone .
Ormai in famiglia lo sanno tutti: se c'è qualche spesa grossa da fare, tipo automobili, televisori e chi più ne ha più ne metta, paga Nicola con la carta Alitalia, poi con un bonifico i soldi tornano e le miglia aumentano a dismisura...fortissimo...e se quando volete prenotare il volo premio vi mancano delle miglia, potete acquistarle al "modico" prezzo di 25€ per 1.000 miglia.
I booked one of only two solutions left for a direct flight from Rome on Alitalia flight AZ0782 operated by a Boeing 777-200ER, which starts at 11:30 and arrived at FCO NRT at 06: 40 (times shown at the time of writing this post have changed: now the FCO AZ0782 starts at 10:40 and arrives at 07:00 at NRT, you probably have changed course) (the other solution would have been in the flight AZ0784 FCO starting at 15:00 and arriving in NRT at 11:20, but it was not possible to book an award ticket for that flight on that day).
I start from CAG (Cagliari-Elmas), according to the rules in force for the reservation MilleMiglia award ticket for flights to the airport (HUB) of departure from an airport not served by the flight booking are free and included in the ticket prize. Although the site Alitalia would provide the options quite restrictive in regard to hours and days, the call center (06-2222) I was able to give more convenient options are not available on the site . The initial booking so was as follows: 9.18 CAG-ROM with the Alitalia flight AZ7581, departing at 09:10 and arriving at 10:15.
18/09 FCO-NRT with the Alitalia flight AZ0782, departing at 11:30 and arriving at 06:40 the day later.
Unfortunately, transit to Heathrow was only 75 minutes in those 75 minutes I had to make the transfer from the domestic arrival terminal (T1) than for international flights where the flight would be leaving for Japan (T5 ), that is a long stretch and walk a little way on board the shuttle's automatic, and passport control. Considering a possible delay of a flight from Cagliari, there were enormous opportunities to miss your flight . Moreover so short a transit can lead to denied boarding luggage ( for sheer lack time and the desire of the ground staff) to be transhipped from one aircraft to another.
My luck was that the MilleMiglia award ticket is not refundable even if he was completely "open", that could change times and days free until shortly before departure, and then again through the call center I anticipated the flight of departure from Cagliari, from 09:10 to 06:30, the final book was this:
9.18 CAG-ROM with the Alitalia flight AZ7579 *, starting at 06:30 and arriving at 07:35.
18/09 FCO-NRT with the Alitalia flight AZ0782, departing at 11:30 and arriving at 06:40 del giorno dopo.
(*Il volo CAG-FCO era effettuato in code-sharing dall'AirOne come AP5489)
Ora il transito era di 3 ore e 55 minuti. Il bagaglio con la mia classe di prenotazione partiva da Cagliari ed arrivava direttamente a Tokyo, con ottime probabilità di arrivarci (era bassa stagione e c'era un lungo tempo di transito a disposizione del personale di terra).
ATTENZIONE: le prenotazioni con tariffa PROMO, cioè quelle più economiche e più comprate sul sito non sono modificabili una volta acquistate!
Come evidenziato nel foglio di prenotazione che si vede qui sopra, il costo del biglietto è di 0,00€, This will add taxes and surcharges, which are € 181.09 for premium tickets charged to the passenger. The total cost of the ticket, a total of four sections (CAG-FCO, FCO-NRT, NRT-FCO, FCO-CAG) was therefore € 181.09 .
Most important, in Cagliari I compiled from customs declaration attesting the possession of electronic devices in my luggage at the time of the state ( here more info ). As my flight transit in a security restricted area from the point of view the output by the Italian customs happened to my departure from Cagliari, so it was plausible to complete this form to Cagliari. The module contains all the equipment I owned at the start, the model numbers and serial number of each. The tax police officer has to view each of the controlled devices in my possession and has subsequently signed and stamped the form. With this form below, to return to Italy and in the case of customs control is not necessary to demonstrate that the equipment has not been purchased abroad.
Upon check-in Cagliari I was also given a boarding pass for Tokyo: above c'è la ricevuta dell'acquisto del biglietto...
Ed ecco la carta d'imbarco: il codice MPZ specifica che la prenotazione per questa carta d'imbarco è un biglietto premio...
Questo è lo scontrino del bagaglio: era consentito un solo bagaglio da stiva del peso massimo di 20kg.
Una volta sbarcati a Fiumicino dal volo nazionale, non bisogna fare altro che camminare, attraversare tutta l'aerostazione e raggiungere il terminal 5 con il people mover automatico. Ecco l'aereo che mi porterà a Tokyo, proprio davanti all'uscita G05...
E' un Boeing 777-243ER (cn 32858/425). Ha compiuto il primo volo il 4 dicembre 2002, è stato consegnato all'Alitalia il 12 dicembre 2002. E' stato ridipinto con la nuova colorazione il 5 dicembre 2009, è stato il primo 777 Alitalia ad essere dotato della nuova colorazione.
Nella nuova colorazione, la "A" tricolore di Alitalia è più grande rispetto al vecchio schema ed interessa anche il cono posteriore della fusoliera: la striscia verde che parte da essa non è più all'altezza dei windows but placed under them ...
A detail of the face: the finger is used both front doors of the plane, that of the business class and economy class ...
is the usual photos to the boarding pass)
erupted shortly before boarding the sun, I took the opportunity to photograph the plane surrounded by the means of support ...
... and went back Airbus A-330 of a heron, soon to be stained with the Alitalia livery. Meanwhile the right side of our plane docked another Boeing 777, with the livery classical will also be in Tokyo a few hours later as AZ0784.
(Here second and third part ..)